Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sadism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, Oh My!

Yesterday, I researched trolls.

You heard me right.  Instead of embracing a lady, laughing with a child, having a beer, or doing any other activity that could possibly bring a human being joy, I sat down in a room lit only by the soft blue light from my computer monitor, wearing nothing but my long johns, sucking on my stupid cigar, and researched trolls.

You see, the blog that I am a star commentor for: Liberally Lean from the Land Of Dairy Queen, is absolutely everything to me.  When I wake up in the morning, my stiffy doesn't go down until I've read the blog and made a comment or two. Well... I say stiffy, but it really only gets about a quarter hard these days:(

Anyways, lately there have been a lot of stupid doo doo heads commenting on that blog who are so stupid, they rely on calling people names instead of making actual points

So, I discovered that other nerds like me use the word troll, since having a bully as an adult is quite embarrassing.  

Thus, the reason I was up all night researching. I even came up with some clever one-liners like this one: "And that's why we don't feed trolls. They're like stray cats on the porch; feed 'em and they keep hanging around".

I dropped that bomb on them yesterday! Man oh man I can't wait until Barry posts his blog today.  Us, er... those trolls just can't get enough of it!  

Hurry up, my quarter-stiff is starting to hurt!

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